Try refreshing the page. “,”LOGOUT_ERROR”:”An error occurred while disconnecting. Please try again. “,”MANAGE_PROFILE”:”Manage Profile”,”HEADER”:”User Profile”,”COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS”:”Completed Applications”},”KENEXA”:{“ERROR_MESSAGE”:{“QUESTIONS”:{“328″:”Username/email address was not recognized. Please check the spelling and try again.”},”FORGET”:{“16″:”The answer to your security question must be less than 50 characters.””,”211″:”Your new password must not be the same as a recently used password.””,”212″:”The password cannot be the same as the username.””,”243″:”You tried to change your password twice within 24 hours. For your security, password changes are only allowed once a day. Please wait 24 hours to reset your password. “,”251″:”The password must be at least eight characters long.””,”252″:”Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.;:`”?/|` ~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.”,”253″:”Your password must not be the same as one of the previous 5 passwords.””,”404″:”False security response.”},”CREATE”:{“251″:”The password must be at least eight characters long.”, “252”:”Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.;:`\”?/|\`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.”,”311″:”Your credentials cannot be verified. You may have created an account in the past, if so, please click on the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password. “,”315″:”Your password may not be the same as your login email address.””,”319″:”Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.;:`”?/|` ~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.”,”320″:”Your password must be between 8 and 25 characters.”, “322”:”Invalid security question.””,”327″:”Your username must not contain the following characters: . “,”404”:”The answers you give do not match the answers to your security questions. Please try again. “,”428″:”Security questions and answers must be unique.”},”LOGIN”:{“202″:”This email address/password could not be found in the system.””,”203″:”The account was suspended due to invalid excessive login attempts.