The architecture segment, which deals directly with the standards applicable to a building, requires highly qualified specialists. In legal architecture, the professional must map, interpret and apply the various rules relating to constructions, real estate and the activities carried out in these properties. According to Fábio Ramos, general manager of Plenno Arquitetura, a company specializing in legal architecture, the area is still unknown, as it emerges from the traditional functional and aesthetic aspect attributed to architecture. Legal architecture is an area that focuses on legal compliance and compliance. Your professional must therefore have a thorough knowledge of the laws of the municipalities, states and the Union in this area. Architecture, for laymen, refers to the aesthetics of spaces and essentially translates into its outermost layer. But the architect is not a simple “artist”, as many believe, because he also deals with objective questions concerning the functionality of spaces, their technical and operational factors. And where does the legal architecture come into play? Usually, when we talk about architecture and the work of the architect, we tend to focus our attention on the aesthetics of the rooms. This specific area of architecture is still unknown to many and aims to ensure that the building complies with local laws. Learn a little more about this and what the architect needs to work in this segment. Legal architecture is a field that deals with the legal and technical aspects of a building and ensures that it complies with the applicable legislation of this site.
It is a deeper layer of architecture that includes municipal, state, and federal regulations and laws for all constructions, works, and activities performed on these properties, whether residential, commercial, or industrial. This field of architecture works through the mapping, interpretation and application of the various laws relating to buildings, buildings and activities carried out in these properties, and each municipality establishes its own rules on this subject. In Brazil, we have more than 5,000 municipalities, so more than 5,000 different laws that are updated frequently. Dealing directly with the applicable standards means at the same time managing the risks. The legal architect must not only map and verify the regularity of a project, but also have a plan that takes into account the management and treatment of all real estate risks. He explains that legal architecture is “a part of architecture that deals with real estate regulations and aims to ensure that the building is fully compliant with local legislation, that is, in this segment we deal with technical standards, laws, decrees, rules, licenses, permits, building regulations, in short, anything that involves regulating what can or cannot be built or reformed in the city.” According to Fábio Ramos, General Manager of Plenno Arquitetura, a company specializing in this segment, the ignorance of legal architecture is precisely due to the fact that it comes from the traditional aesthetic and functional aspect and plunges into the regulatory bias of a construction. Legal architecture is an architecture and engineering firm that maintains a partnership with several law firms focused on the regularization of real estate, from land to building registration, from the checklist in the property itself to processing in the responsible agencies, which is carried out directly by the technical manager of the projects, without the hiring of brokers. Far beyond aesthetics, in an even deeper layer of architecture, almost unknown and, if not, forgotten, we have the so-called legal architecture, which encompasses the technical and legal issues related to real estate and includes the municipal, state and federal rules and laws that focus on all the work, constructions and activities carried out in these properties, whether residential, commercial or industrial.
Architecture, under the less technical gaze of the ordinary citizen, essentially translates into its outermost layer, which is noticed whenever harmony, balance and beauty catch the eye. The legal architecture uses the arqleg methodology, created by professional experience, to create transparency, a fair price and tranquility for those who need to regularize their property. Our mission is to turn into simple what is now considered bureaucracy, because over the years all experiences have become coordinated ideas that are always looking for the right thing. Related: Leadership for Architects: How to Manage Office Teams? The disregard for rules, often generated by the lack of knowledge about their existence, makes the index of irregular real estate in cities huge. A large part of the population believes that when buying a property, you can do anything in terms of renovations and expansions, although in fact this can be one of the most complex regulations to which people and businesses are subjected. The constant improvement of the team and the strong demand of its managers is a constant in the legal architecture that has always strived to offer us the best on the market. Contact: Plenno Arquitetura (11) 3052-2175 / (11) 2892-0920 issues related to the flow and durability of people, thermal and ecological comfort, sustainability, new technologies and new materials are part of the daily challenges of this professional. Professionals who intend to work with the legal architecture must have a thorough knowledge of the legislation applicable to the project, but must also acquire other skills required to carry out the project. Ramos explains that “each municipality has specific rules to control the occupation of spaces in the city (zoning), and in addition, there is also the frequency of state and federal laws that bind all real estate regulations together. In this environment, in which the city assumes the role of protagonist, the procedures for reform, demolition and construction must first of all be submitted in advance and approved by it before the start of the work, punishable by fines and embargo.
“Fábio Ramos is Managing Director of Plenno Arquitetura, an office specializing in legal architecture and related real estate compliance: 5 useful skills for architects and designers Impossible to send the message, try again later. We analyze whether the building or project meets the urban planning parameters defined by the town hall We take the certificates issued by the regulatory authorities for registration / registration in the real estate registry of the district of the property This compliance with the rules is extremely important for all parties involved, not only for builders or developers. It is compliance that makes ownership regular. For example, the person who is interested in acquiring a property should be informed of what is possible in terms of renovations and extensions. And it is the legal architecture expert who can clarify such questions for individuals and companies. Specialization in this segment can be an opportunity for you to appreciate yourself in your career. What about other important skills for the architect of the furniture industry? We check whether the documentation of the property is suitable for processing in the supervisory authorities We archive and monitor all treatments, including compliance with requirements, until the sending of certificates In this way, the professional is able to solve an already existing problem in the best possible way, while being able to anticipate adversity, Identify risks and propose concrete alternatives to optimize time and investment. We`ve done all the steps of the process and you don`t have to worry about anything! The architect`s work also includes urban planning and is also responsible for the development of projects aimed at improving the lives of citizens, including requirements related to mobility, use of public spaces, smart cities, etc. Often seen in a simplified way as an artist, few people know that it is the architect who deals with the various objective questions relevant to the functionality of spaces, thinking not only of the logic and organization of these spaces, but also of all the technical and operational factors that permeate the daily life of a building. In this environment, in which the city assumes the role of protagonist, the procedures for reform, demolition and construction must first of all be submitted in advance and approved by it before the work can begin, punishable by fines and embargoes,” explains the specialist from Plenno Arquitetura. “Each municipality has specific rules for controlling the occupation of spaces in the city (zoning), and in addition, there is also the frequency of state and federal laws that connect all real estate regulations together.
In Brazil, we have a legal structure in which each municipality can establish its own rules on this issue. That is, there are thousands of laws across the country. If the professional works in 3 municipalities, he must know all the rules that apply to each of them.