Ccs Conduct Rules Immovable Property Intimation

(2) Since the character roles of posts in the selection grade and grades I to III of the Central Secretariat Service, as well as those of grade I officials in the Stenographer Service of the Central Secretariat, are managed by the establishment officer of the Government of India (Ministry of Home Affairs), the restitution of the immovable property of such officials should not be a receipt from officials, which is sent directly to the Office of the Director of Operations for registration. (28) Immovable property transactions falling within the scope of Rule 18 (2) and (3) – Forms for authorisation/issuance of confirmations In line with OM No 25/7/65-East (A) of this Division of 04.07.1973 (Decision No 8), the Ministry of the Interior, etc. is requested to obtain the return of immovable property of Class I and Class II (Group A and Group B) on 01.01.1974. Officials of the formation who appeared before the order of this division No. 25/7/65-Ests. (A) of 06.01.1973 (to 17), as the review envisaged in the abovementioned Memorandum of Understanding has not yet been completed. 4. The question was also raised as to whether the construction of a house requires prior knowledge or sanction by the authority required by Rule 15 (now Rule 18) of the Code of Conduct. Since such construction leads to the acquisition of property, the provisions of this rule are clearly invoked.

A government official should therefore report to the prescribed authority or, if necessary, obtain its authorization before commencing the construction or addition of a building. An investigation found that there is a fairly widespread practice among government officials of accepting a large amount as “rent advance” from potential tenants, even in cases not covered by a regular agreement under the provisions of the Delhi Rent Control Act or other state rent control laws. In this context, reference is made to the provisions of Article 5(2)(b) and Section 5(4)(b) of the Delhi Rent Control Act, which are set out below: The question has been raised as to whether, in addition to the restitution of assets and debts to be submitted at the time of the initial appointment and annual declaration of immovable property in the case of senior managers of Groups A and B, state employees can be requested at any time. provide details of the movable or immovable property they hold or on their behalf. In this context, it should be noted that Rule 18 of the CCS Rules of Conduct, 1964, which provides that the Government or any authority required by those Rules may at any time, by general or special order, require any public servant to provide a complete and complete declaration of movable or immovable property held or acquired by or on behalf of the public servant or a member of his or her family. The government representative may also be asked to indicate by what means or source the property was acquired. (ii) the acquisition/sale of the property in question is carried out at fair market prices and does not involve any element of profit or speculation; 3. In any case, whether the sanctioning authorities are the same or different under the two sets of rules, the government employee will be well advised to quickly obtain the necessary sanctions, first to receive the sanction under the General Financial Regulation, since at that time he will not be obliged to provide information about the potential buyer. Selling price, etc., which would be required before approval is granted in accordance with the rules of conduct. After receiving this sanction, he can clarify the details with the intended buyer and request approval in accordance with the rules of conduct, which clearly show that the necessary sanction has already been obtained under the general Financial Regulation. The authority imposing a sanction under the general financial rules should itself stipulate in the sanction that the actual sale of the vehicle, except through a reputable or regular dealer or agent, would be subject to the condition that the government employee also obtains the prior sanction from the competent authority in accordance with the rules of conduct for the sale of his vehicle, so that this requirement is not neglected by the official.

2. Where a Crown employee leases the premises to a tenant, it appears to be a transaction involving real property within the meaning of Rule 18(2) of the CCS Rules of Conduct, 1964, which provides, among other things, that no government employee may, except with knowledge of the prescribed authority, acquire or dispose of real property by way of lease. Mortgage, purchase, sale, etc. Such an official is required to obtain prior sanction from the prescribed authority of the transaction is as follows: The intention underlying the provision of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1955, pursuant to Rule 15(1) [now Rule 18(2)], according to which public servants subject to these regulations may do business with immovable property only with prior knowledge of the prescribed authority, and in the case of transactions with a person dealing with the prior sanction of such an authority prescribed to ensure that – (7) In the case of the restitution of real estate submitted by officials of the Central Secretariat and the Stenographer Service of the Central Secretariat, a regular and continuous inspection is not required. Paragraph 2 of Memorandum No. 25/10/55-East of the Office of this Ministry. (A) of 12 January 1956, (Decision No. 10 above) declared that declarations of immovable property to be submitted under Rule 15 of the Central Civil Service Conduct Regulations 1955 (now Rule 18) shall be treated as secret and, after such examination, which may be deemed necessary, shall be entrusted to the authority exercising the character roles of the officials concerned.