2. If you try to sell margarine on the pretext that it is actually butter, you may be convicted of a crime. This is due to Iowa`s strict food labeling laws. It must actually be labeled as “renovated butter” or “olemargarine” according to state legislators. Like any state, Iowa has stupid laws in the books. Most were written a long time ago. Some were probably overtaken in the heat of battle, perhaps when a council member caught a rival`s pet doing so on his lawn. Others may have played a role in electing a person. So, here are some of the weirdest laws I`ve ever found that you need to follow in most parts of Iowa. Not surprised enough? Here are 3 other silly legal records in Iowa that you may not be familiar with.
Note that these laws only apply in certain neighborhoods and not throughout Iowa. Have you ever tipped your waiter? Have you ever opened a tab in a bar? Have you ever given a nod to a woman you don`t know? Well, you, my friend, are a criminal after the state of Iowa. That`s right. In Iowa, there are countless rules written in law books that promise swift punishment for a series of harmless actions. Times have changed, but these Hawkeye State laws have not! Here are 10 strange laws in Iowa that will undoubtedly scratch your head! Iowa may be known as the state of cornfields and pig farms (it`s the largest corn and pork producer in the country), but it also has some really strange laws. It`s no surprise that some of them have a borderline feeling given the history of old Western Iowa (Jesse James stole his first train from Adair). Check them out here before breaking them at the end. Iowa is a bit of a strange little state. From our strange laws to strange culinary preferences, Hawkeye State welcomes and celebrates the strange! If you`re looking for some of the weirdest places you`ll ever see in Hawkeye State, check out these nine weird destinations. From a zombie dinner to a hobo museum, there`s a lot of madness to embrace in Iowa. Iowa is certainly a strange little state.
And it`s not just our laws – iowans are also pretty weird people! Are you planning to visit Iowa? Discover the 10 weirdest laws ever passed in Iowa with this quiz to better plan your trip. Prepare to be really surprised and confused now. Check out below the 10 weirdest laws ever passed in Iowa. If you think Iowa has strange laws, you should visit Washington, where lollipops are banned. Or Lexington, Kentucky, which has a law prohibiting carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket. What about Arkansas? Well, in Arkansas, it`s illegal to have an alligator in your bathtub. What we mean is that strange laws are everywhere, in every state in the country – not just Iowa! And these laws still exist because, frankly, it would take too much time and resources to repeal them. So rest assured, you probably won`t be stopped in Iowa for letting your palms read, but you can always ask your palm reader to give you a hint before that happens! Well, you do the crime you do the time. Or not.
Don`t worry; These laws are unlikely to be enforced! They are simply products from another time and place that no one wants to treat anymore. Whew! Did you know about these strange laws in Iowa? Do you know of any other strange laws in Hawkeye State? Share them with us in the comments below! Just to be clear, many of these laws were passed at a different time, but it`s always hilarious to wonder why they had to be written in the first place: Oh, is it just me? Well, I like to look at a state`s local laws to make sure everything is fine on my side if you know what I`m saying. Have you broken any of these laws? Do you know any strangers we may have missed? Let us know in the comments! Either way, you can`t deny that many of these laws are completely useless. But they stay in the books. Now the question is: how many of these 12 stupid Iowa laws have you broken recently? Iowa`s dumbest laws prohibit men with mustaches from kissing women in public, and no one should kiss for more than five minutes. In addition, men should never wink at unknown women. The chances of these laws being enforced are very slim, but you can still be legally charged for it if your stars decide otherwise! Moreover, no divination, no phrenological practice, no writing and no clairvoyance are to be tolerated. Keep your hands, heads, and thoughts to yourself in eastern Iowa. Must be to keep these horses eating hydrants at bay.
6. There is a law in Iowa that apparently states that all penguin pianists must perform for free.