FVPLS provides information, legal advice, recommendations, case representation and advisory or support services. Their legal services include injunctions, child protection, compensation for injuries caused by domestic violence or sexual assault, child benefits and family law matters. For inquiries from the Regional Service, please contact your regional office. Here is some information about other organizations that might be able to help you. What they can do for you, and any terms or costs of their services, is up to them. Legal Aid WA tries to help as many people as possible with their legal problems. But we can`t help everyone. Below are the links and contact details of the 9 FVPLS services in Perth and the WA region. Some of them are operated by Aboriginal Family Legal Services. Domestic Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS) are specialized services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have experienced or are at risk of domestic violence or sexual assault.
The Law Society has a register of its members (private lawyers and law firms). The directory can be consulted depending on the nature of the legal issue, the location of the lawyer and your language requirements. The directory lists only lawyers or law firms that pay for services that are members of the Law Society, and the results are displayed in random order. Legal information and advice – contact Djinda Services at Women`s Legal Service WA – (08) 9200 2202. Advocacy and Support Services – contact Djinda Services at Relationships Australia (WA) – (08) 6164 0650. You can learn more about Community Legal WA. Visit each CIS website for information on their services and contact information. Community Legal Centres (CLCs) are non-profit community-based organizations that provide legal and support services to the public. There are 28 CLCs in the metropolitan and regional areas of Washington State. You can also check out the Find Legal Answers option to learn more about other places that may be helpful on certain topics. Law Access is a non-profit organization that helps people and community organizations find free legal advice.
Law Access processes requests for legal advice and attempts to match them with lawyers who offer pro bono support. Law Access aims to help people who benefit most from legal counsel, who cannot afford private lawyers, or who receive help from other places (such as WA Legal Aid or CLCs). There are eligibility criteria to determine whether the legal problem is eligible for aid, as well as a means test. Visit the ALSWA website or call 1800 019 900 for more information about their services and offices. Other services include the Bail Support Service, the Prison Supervision Program, the Custody Notification Service, the Work Development Permit Service, Your Story Disability Legal Support, the Youth Engagement Program and Community Legal Education. Most CLCs focus on specific client groups, legal issues, or geographies. Priority is often given to people who are disadvantaged or have special needs. CLCs offer different levels of service, ranging from legal advice to basic support to ongoing representation.
Use the contact form on this page to ask AFLS questions about our services or topics you may want to discuss. We will give you an answer according to your preferred method of contact. Disclaimer: The Law Society makes no warranty for the work of any law firm listed or provided in a recommendation and is not responsible for any aspect of the legal services it may provide to you. Preferred contact method (long press “Shift” to select more than one) * Phone Calltext MessageEmail Albany – contact Southern Aboriginal Corporation Family Violence Prevention Legal Service – 1800 557 187 or (08) 9842 7751. 113 Orrong Rd Rivervale WA 6103 PO Box 5254 East Victoria Park WA 6981 Note: The Mental Health Law Centre has merged with RUAH and RUAH providing a care and protection service. The Law Society of Western Australia is the professional association of lawyers in Western Australia. Follow the links below to find contact information for your nearest ALSWA office. Kununurra – contact the AFLS office in Kununurra – (08) 9168 2001. Aboriginal Family Legal is headquartered in Perth: if you qualify for assistance, support is usually offered free of charge or at low cost. Fitzroy Crossing – contact Marnin Family Support and Legal Unit – (08) 9191 5284. Carnarvon – contact the AFLS office in Carnarvon – (08) 9941 3633.
Visit the De Law Access website to learn more about the issues Law Access can help with and information on how to seek help. Broome – contact the AFLS office in Broome – (08) 9193 5455.