Can You Take a Sole Trader to Court

When deciding whether or not to file a minor case, remember that you cannot appeal. By choosing a small claims court to resolve your dispute, you waive the right for another judge to hear the case again. So if you lose, that`s the end of the deal for you. If you win, the natural or legal person against whom you filed your claim (the defendant) can appeal the judge`s decision. In this situation, the entire dispute is heard again before another judge. If your claim exceeds $2,500, you will be asked to check the box on your application form (Form SC-100), which indicates that you have not filed more than two lawsuits for more than $2,500 in the calendar year. If you are a natural person (an individual) and can therefore claim up to $7,500, you still cannot file more than two small claims for more than $2,500 in the calendar year. Spouses may represent each other in small claims court if they have a common interest in the claim or defense and the represented spouse has given consent. For example, if both spouses are listed in the lawsuit, one may appear for the other as long as consent has been given. However, one of the spouses may not represent the other spouse if the court decides that justice is not done – for example, if their interests are not the same and may conflict. The represented spouse does not have to appear in court if the judge authorizes the representation. Some courts may require court approval before the trial. Please check with your local clerks` office or small claims court counsel to see if you need court approval for your spouse to represent you.

Another form that a small claims court applicant needs is the fictitious name of the company [Declaration] (Form SC-103). Companies that use fictitious trade names – for example, “Joe Jones does business as Joe`s Garage” – must sign this form and file it with the court. In this written statement, a representative of the company (for example, the owner) must swear under oath that the suing company has complied with California`s fictitious trade name registration laws. A business must comply with California`s business registration laws to use Small Claims Court. If the company is not compliant, the necessary steps must be taken before submitting any action. Small claims courts have a cap on the amount of money a party can claim. You can sue for up to $10,000 if you are an individual or sole proprietor. Businesses and other businesses are capped at $5,000. In addition, a party (individuals or businesses) may not file more than two claims over $2,500 in a California state court in a calendar year. If you exceed the two cases that exceed the limit of $2,500 per calendar year, the court can only award you a maximum of $2,500 in each subsequent case, even if your proven damage exceeds $2,500. This boundary does not apply to a city, county, city and county, school district, district education office, community college district, local district or other local public institution. You are not allowed to divide a claim into two or more receivables (called debt splitting) in order to meet monetary limits.

So you have acted, you have a judgment in your favor, and you can now sit back and wait for the other party to pay. You can obtain your claim filing forms by going to Small Claims Court or by writing to Small Claims Court or by clicking on the Judicial Council`s self-help website under Although filling out these forms is usually simple, it is useful to read information for the small claims applicant (Form SC-100-INFO). You will receive them when you go to small claims court to make your claim. You can also view it and other court forms on the Judicial Council`s self-help websites. You can fill out most of these forms on your computer. Some courts allow you to submit forms by fax or the Internet. You must pay a fee to make a claim. The amount you have to pay depends on what you claim. You may also have to pay other fees as your file progresses. Check the court fees for GOV.UK.

If you win your case, you can get it back on the other side. If you lose, you may have to pay their fees. If you`ve ever been involved in an unpleasant disagreement with a rogue builder, shopkeeper, or even a family member, you may have heard the words “How to Sue Me.” It can be a daunting prospect to sue someone, and not everyone is in a hurry to take legal action (we`re not Americans, after all!) A sole proprietorship must include the name and address of its business on its stationery, invoices and premises, but a person`s home address does not need to be provided. If you can find it using legitimate methods (or the phone book!), you can deliver your application form with greater impact. Before you can bring an action in small claims court, you must first contact the defendant (or defendants) if it is convenient for you. You will then have to ask for the money, property or any other relief you intend to ask the judge to grant you in court. From a legal point of view, if possible, you should make a “claim” about the other person. Your request can be made orally or in writing, but it is a good idea to do it both ways.

Always keep copies of letters and other written communications. It is advisable to send written communications by mail and ask the post office for a return receipt, which you can keep as proof. You may also need to take action and spend money to enforce a judgment. While a small claims court judgment has legal significance, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to enforce the judgment. Obtaining a court decision is one of the most difficult and frustrating aspects of any trial. The person who is required to pay the judgment may not have the money to pay it or may simply refuse to pay it. Application procedures are available, but these require additional effort and also money on your part. You may never collect anything. However, there are many exceptions to this general rule.

(See, for example, “Car Accidents” in the next column.) If you need help deciding in which district or area of the court you want to file a court location, contact a small claims consultant. Sometimes it`s enough to start a small claim to get the person or company you`re claiming to pay, so you may not have to go to court at all. The application form you sign requires you to confirm that the information you have requested is necessary and will only be used for the service of legal proceedings in the context of an actual or potential lawsuit. For this reason, it is important that the information you receive is used for this purpose and not for other purposes. A violation can result in significant criminal penalties. In the following situations, a party does not have to appear in court and may either send a representative or make written statements to prove its claim or defense. However, the representative cannot be compensated and will be disqualified if he or she has appeared in small claims actions four or more times during the calendar year as a representative of others. An example of this was a merchant who took money from customers and then simply refused to provide them with the services they were buying. He had a large number of clients who followed him to court, but he clearly had no intention of paying.

If you don`t know which of the multiple potential defendants is responsible for your claim, name each person you think will be liable. The court decides whether the people you appoint are ordinary defendants and legally liable. If the court finds that, for any reason, a party is unable to properly assert its claim or defence, it may authorize another person to assist the party. The person helping you can only provide help – the person`s participation in the court cannot be legal representation and the person cannot be a lawyer. You can check the contact details of a limited liability company using Companies House`s free WebCHeck service. This results, inter alia, in the registered address and whether an insolvency action has been brought against it. The statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of SHCE Ltd, which operates as the Sheriff`s Office. SHCE Ltd assumes no responsibility for the opinions of the author. The author is not responsible for comments posted by visitors to this site. Please note that this article does not constitute legal advice. The author has made every effort to make this article as accurate and complete as possible at the time of writing, but asks the reader to be aware that the law of England and Wales changes frequently. The author strongly advises the reader to seek legal advice before taking any enforcement action.

Please refer to the terms and conditions of the website for the reproduction of this article. Exceptions to the general rule that requires the filing of a case in the county and territory of the place of jurisdiction where the defendant resides are somewhat complex and difficult to understand. If you intend to take legal action against a defendant outside the county and court where the defendant is domiciled, you should contact a local small claims consultant to determine if your case falls within an exception to the general rule. The district court can hear a wide range of non-criminal cases, but in this article I will only look at the process of going to court to recover money lost in consumer cases (for example, debt collection, property damage, mistreatment or problems with goods or services). If the court you choose holds hearings in the evening or on Saturday, you can request a hearing in the evening or on Saturday when you file your case. Ask the clerk about the rules of the local court. WHO CAN USE SMALL CLAIMS? You must be an individual or a sole proprietorship to take advantage of small claims. Corporations, partnerships, associations, or assignees cannot bring small claims (see Commercial Claims if you are a corporation, partnership, or association).