Certificado De Existencia Y Representacion Legal Colombia

Therefore, the Chamber of Commerce is the body called upon to certify the existence of all the companies and commercial establishments entered in its registers, so that it can certify its existence by indicating the name or business name, the address, the raison d`être of the company and, above all, who are the representatives of this company or permanent establishment. The commercial register can be freely consulted on the aforementioned website, as well as the legal representatives, but the certificate of legal representation, which is the document of proof, must be purchased. The legal person located abroad that requires the certificate of existence and the representation of companies must, in accordance with the provisions of article 480 of the Commercial Code, apply to the appropriate Colombian consulate before complying with the following requirements. It is important that society knows about the existence of a business or business and is sure of it and who represents it. b. Certificate of existence and current legal representation of the foreign company, issued by the competent authority concerned. The certificate can be requested in knowledge of one of the following data of the company: The certificate of existence and legal representation can be obtained online at this address. The certificate of existence and legal representation is a summary that contains information relevant for the identification of a company and takes data from the commercial register. The certificate of existence and social representation is the mechanism or means by which every citizen can recognize the existence of enterprises accessible to the public through the social function they perform. The certificate of legal representation can be requested by anyone in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce against payment of the required price, as it is a public document to which everyone has free access. Obtain the certificate of existence and legal representation of registered pensioners` associations. The certificate of existence and legal representation is the document proving the existence of a company or business establishment which, because of its origin, is considered authentic by an authorized body. List of consulates that receive a payment order to make the payment: Obtain authorization to terminate the employment or associative work relationship for workers with disabilities.

We cordially invite you to use the following non-face-to-face attention channels so that you can carry out your procedures and consultations without leaving home: a. Identity card and appearance document of the applicant(s). The commercial register is a kind of archive that contains all the documents and actions related to a company, for control purposes. Get permission to temporarily suspend activities for up to 120 days. Get approval of the statutes or reforms of a pensioners` association in the first, second or third degree Unified State Portal: www.gov.co/ficha-tramites-y-servicios/T770. PLEASE HELP US TO CERTIFY OUR ORGANIZATIONS TO REGISTER AS CANDIDATES FOR OUR 16 SPECIAL PEACE CONSTITUENCIES For more information, you can consult the rates of consular offices in Europe, Latin America and other countries. Place where you can request the service: In the consulates of Colombia abroad, according to the working hours of each consulate, which can be consulted on the website of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Directory You must validate the payment methods activated by each consulate. See Consular Directory.

Any company or entrepreneur must register with the Chamber of Commerce of his place of residence, which keeps a register of acts and documents relating to the company or establishment. United States. United States, PTO. RICH, CANADA, AFRICA, ASIA, OCEANIA AND OTHERS. Remember that to make your payment, you must have previously formalized the request.